Here are 5 ways that AI-Powered Drones are Changing the Construction Industry:
Today’s video is How AI-Powered Drones are Changing the Construction Industry. You can watch it here or continue with this quick read.
1) SAFETY: When you’re working at heights it’s much safer for drones than it is for people. Obviously. This can also be done very quickly and without having the hassle of putting up scaffolding or rigging. This will reduce falls, electrocutions, collisions, etc. So it’ll reduce the number of deaths and injuries.
2) MAINTENANCE: It’s really hard to monitor really big structures for defects and wear and tear. Sometimes structures are awkward to get to and it’s difficult to determine if they’re in good condition. Drones can help with the quality and frequency of site inspections and monitoring. This will have a very positive effect on quality control, progress tracking, and risk assessment. You will be able to mitigate risk a lot faster and identify problems before they become serious.
3) PROGRESS ASSESSMENT: Drones save a lot of time and money. In the old days, we’d have to highlight a 3D design to flag up discrepancies. It was SO LABOUR intensive. A drone can do a fly-through and image the entire site. It’ll be able to correlate the data a lot more efficiently. This means progress claims will go a lot quicker.
4) EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: Drones can be used to locate and rescue injured workers. They can deliver first aid or medical supplies. They can alert emergency services. They can assess structural damage and impact. This will make it a lot easier and faster to put together an emergency response plan because you understand the terrain you’re dealing with.
5) COSTS: Of course, there’s a capital outlay to purchasing a drone. However, the long-term savings will be HUGE. Drones give you real-time, accurate data.
I was chatting to the CEO of a massive drone company and he told me something really interesting.
He said this is going far quicker than anyone realises. It’s replacing quite a lot of jobs really quickly.
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