Fawlty Contracts

You might remember the BBC comedy series Fawlty Towers.
Fawlty Contracts | Cian Brennan

It gave insight into things going wrong in a hotel, often due to poor decision-making and trying to cut costs.

Today’s video is How To Avoid Disastrous Consequences of Faulty Contracts Management with Sean Carroll, ​click here​ or continue with this quick read.

I was recently interviewed by Sean Carroll and we spoke about the disastrous consequences of poor contracts management.

You may know that I created a system that combines technology and people to give subcontractors access to top-level contractual systems and processes. It also provides much-needed support.

I got into this industry because for years I worked on the dark side, the client side. My job was to reject claims and to work for the benefit of the client.

Throughout this period I saw more and more subcontractors lose money, go out of business, and sign terrible hostile contracts.

I realised that I could use my power for good.

One of the biggest hurdles is convincing smaller businesses that they should negotiate every contract.

Most of these small businesses feel as if they are not in a position to negotiate or that they will lose work if they negotiate.

The other problem is that small businesses are afraid of being contractual. They think that if they are organised with their documents and paperwork and submit claims that this will come across as aggressive or problematic.

The secret is to be professional and contractual from the very beginning

If you hire contract experts you will make more money and you will reduce your risk.

Our commitment to YOU is to provide the BEST FREE ADVICE that we can.

We want you to be the MOST SUCCESSFUL you can possibly be. That’s why we put together content with tips and advice that is tried and tested.

For more contractual advice, Quantum Contract Solutions is here to guide and assist you through everything contract related. Let’s reduce risk in your contracts and save time and money, just click this link to get our FREE case study to show you how clients just like you are doing it.

Get the Contracts System That Construction Company CEO's, MD's & GM's Have Been Talking About

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