Decoder Rings in Cereal Boxes

Remember being a kid and finding a secret decoder ring in a cereal box? Playing detective is one of the best games!
Decoder Rings in Cereal Boxes

Cracking secret codes shouldn’t just be for kids and TV characters. Today’s video is about Cracking The Code To A Company’s Growth, watch it by  clicking here  or continue with this quick read.

Is there a FORMULA for construction company growth?

To answer that, here’s a quick story…

Once Upon a Time, there were two electrical contractors…

They were on the same project

They just worked on different parts of the project.

So, same scope of work.

One contractor was contractually savvy, knowledgeable, and had experience.

So they could deliver on-site and deliver contractually.

The other company were newbies and their focus was on doing an excellent job.

They believed that if they did a good job, they’d get a reputation, which would secure more work.

Who do you think CAME OUT TOPS on the project?

It may surprise you that it was the first company that focused on delivering on-site and delivering contractually.

But surely the company that did an awesome job was better?

They may have done a better job, but by not dealing with the contractual side they lost a lot of money.

They got hit with delays and these cost money.

If you can’t prove you’re delivering on paper (contractually) then it’s as if you aren’t delivering at all.

That’s the reality.

So what do you need to do to be a successful contractor?

You need to deliver contractually AND on-site.

If you tick both boxes YOU WILL be successful.

So what’s the FORMULA then?


It’s just as important to deliver on-site as it is to deliver contractually.

Delivering on-site means building a good reputation, referrals, and repeat work.

Delivering contractually means profit margin and cash flow. These give you financial stability and allow you to be able to do additional work.

You need to deliver contractually

Negotiate a good contract

Adhere to the contract

We want you to be the MOST SUCCESSFUL you can possibly be. That’s why we put together content with tips and advice that is tried and tested.

For more contractual advice, Quantum Contract Solutions is here to guide and assist you through everything contract related. Let’s reduce risk in your contracts and save time and money, just click this link to get our FREE case study to show you how clients just like you are doing it.

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