In The Words of the Rolling Stones

“You can’t always get what you want… but, if you try sometimes, you just might find what you need."
In The Words of the Rolling Stones

Getting what you want isn’t always possible… getting what you need comes down to negotiation. 

Today’s video, discusses the misconception that negotiating is off-putting to clients. You can watch the video here, or have a quick read below.

In construction, a lot of contractors and subcontractors believe that if they try to negotiate, the contract will go to someone who doesn’t negotiate. 

This is UTTER nonsense. 

Here’s a story that illustrates why negotiation gives you the edge. 

We had a client who was a noise wall contractor. 

When discussing his contract with us he said, 

“If we try to negotiate they won’t award us the work.”

We promised that this wouldn’t be the case.

Contract negotiation is a game. Everyone should know that it’s a game. 

In the case of the noise wall contractor he gave us a new client to negotiate with. 

The results?

“Thank you for the professionally worded negotiations and departures from the contract.”

“It gave us confidence that you knew what you were doing…”

Negotiating the contract meant that they won the work. 

Here are some things you need to know about the construction industry and negotiation:

  1. It’s a game
  2. The best companies negotiate like crazy
  3. Negotiation isn’t seen as a bad thing… more often than not you’re respected for it
  4. Negotiation gives the perception that you know what’s going on
  5. Most contractors start with the worst possible contract
  6. They always have back up clauses for when subcontractors negotiate

In a typical scenario about 3-4 subcontractors tender for a contract. If 3 of them negotiate and you don’t, how does that look?

You’ll come across as weak or that you don’t know what you’re doing

When you don’t negotiate they think you’re fresh and green and it means ultimately you’re signing the worst version of the contract.

Quantum Contract Solutions is here to make you look more professional in how you deal with contracts, and you’ll get a better version of the contract with lower downsides. In short, you’ll make more money. 

For more contractual advice, Quantum Contract Solutions is here to guide and assist you through everything contract related. Let’s reduce risk in your contracts and save time and money, just click this link to get our FREE case study to show you how clients just like you are doing it.

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