A Quote That Will Send This Email Straight To Spam

Today I’m going to tell you about “Squeaky Bum Time”. Stick with me.
A Quote That Will Send This Email Straight To Spam

“Squeaky Bum Time” was coined by Sir Alex Ferguson, who you may know from Manchester United fame.

If you’re not in the mood for reading you can check out what it’s all about by watching this video:


Ferguson describes that moment in a football/soccer match where the intensity becomes magnified by the clock counting down. It’s usually the final quarter where fans shift restlessly in their seats. It’s this movement on the plastic seat that makes a squeaking noise.

Squeaky Bum Time.

When the stakes are high, this is where Squeaky Bum Time comes into play. It’s usually in the final quarter.

And we can relate this to the construction industry.

Typically a construction project can be broken down into quarters:

  • Q1- relationships are great and there’s excitement about the project.
  • Q2- things are still good, relationships develop further, but maybe one or two challenges emerge.
  • Q3- a few more problems emerge because inevitably things don’t go exactly to plan.
  • Q4- things start getting contractual because of milestones and deadlines.

The strategy to ramp up scrutiny over contractual compliance in Q4 is a well-oiled tactic. What this means is that subcontractors often get nailed for contractual non-compliance.

As a subcontractor, this can be tricky territory to navigate but we have some strategies to deal with these issues.

  • Build up a body of evidence that shows the main contractor and client that you’re up to date and compliant with all of your paperwork.
  • Throughout all quarters, submit notices, get variations in, submit contractual letters, etc.
  • ALWAYS assume that there will be a dispute so that you’re prepared for it

The idea is that you need to build your story from the beginning of any project so that during the Squeaky Bum Time of Q4 you don’t fall at the last hurdle.

Paperwork is everything.

Luckily we are here to help those of you who don’t like paperwork and contracts.

We are contractual experts who guarantee

  • Reducing your risk by a factor of ten
  • Ensuring more profit
  • Having better cash flow

We’re here to provide you with our expertise in the small and large print of contracts, allowing you to sign less risky contracts.


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